Monitoring or Broadcasting of Sporting and Audiovisual Events


Vuelo de evento deportivo de piragüismo con dron sobre el río Guadiana a su paso por Badajoz. Evento deportivo grabado con un dron.

Professional images in sporting events.

Every day sporting events become more relevant and have a greater following by the spectators, so the organizers of sporting events have climbed into the drone to obtain stunning images and have a real-time monitoring of how the event takes place.

Depending on the event, different modalities are usually carried out:

  • In sporting events where there are spectator stands, screens are usually installed to project the images captured by the drones so that spectators can see the head of the race at all times.
  • If the physical space where the event takes place is very large, more than one drone is usually used, one for the head of the race, and at least one to move forward or backward capturing the rest of the participants of the sporting event.
  • Events are also usually broadcast live on a streaming platform such as YouTube, Facebook or other paid platforms. Al who has been in high demand during pandemic capacity restrictions by COVID-19.
  • And last but not least, the images of the sporting event are also usually sold on a delayed basis, in some cases with a post-production of the video obtained by the drones.

Sports broadcasts with drones take the event to another level

Real-time tracking of sporting events
with screenings or broadcasts on YouTube

We make our recordings with our drone equipment for advertising spots, film and television, sporting events, as well as to individuals who request aerial recordings with drones for their celebrations or events.

We have professional filming and photography equipment with Full HD or 4K resolution, allowing us to record high resolution images or videos for sporting events, motorcycle routes, etc., and/or live streaming broadcasts through a Youtube channel, Facebook or other platforms.

Vuelo de evento deportivo y audiovisual con dron sobre un circuito de carreras. Evento deportivo grabado con un dron

Tourist promotion of an aquatic event, with pleasant and fun sailing boat rides along the Mediterranean coast.

Promotional flight of a guesthouse inside the castle.

Drone flight to record the train as it passes through a mountain range in Cáceres.

Morning of migas, hunting in the morning in a well known hunting area and lunch at noon.

Follow-up of several private runs organized at the Estoril circuit (Portugal).

Video for an advertising campaign of a well-known rice industry.