Construction Site Monitoring with Drones


Seguimiento de obras con drones. Evolución de obras e infraestructura con un dron. Puente sobre el Tajo

The evolution of a civil work is a living process that can be easily monitored with a drone.

The execution of any work is a live process, and as such, requires continuous monitoring of the works to allow supervision of the execution, visual and environmental impact. In the execution process, both for construction sites and quarries or open-pit mines, there are different phases. The development of each and every phase requires measurements to evaluate conditions, design solutions, certify execution processes and final states, which are quickly obtained with the monitoring of works with drones.

The evolution of technology has led to the monitoring of works with drones, allowing the development of solutions based on data captured by drones, which cover the needs in the control of the works by collecting information for further processing.

The adaptation of thermographic cameras to drones is an effective tool in the monitoring of works for the detection of hidden defects, as well as to assess important aspects in the energy efficiency of constructed buildings, analyze their roofs and envelopes, pavements, distribution networks and pipelines. All this thanks to the technology used in the monitoring of construction sites with drones.

Monitoring of Civil Works with drones

Thanks to drones, it is possible to cover large construction sites with a surface area of several kilometers, in a short time, from a safe place and in a more economical way.

In addition to the monitoring of construction sites with drones, through the use of specific software, we process aerial images and create the final product, depending on the client, 2D terrain or 3D models, with impressive precision.

Evolución de obras con drones. Seguimiento de infraestructura con un dron. Paso para la infraestructura ferroviaria del AVE

Follow-up of the progress of a construction site where a viaduct is being built for the AVE train to pass over it and an area of poaso underneath.

Images captured by a drone of the evolution of a construction site of a building in a city in the north of the peninsula.

Evolution of a construction site in which an underpass for agricultural vehicles and access to neighboring farms is being built.

Evolution of the works being carried out in the construction of a photovoltaic plant in the south of the peninsula.

Photograph of the evolution of the platform where the sleepers of the AVE train tracks will be located.

Monitoring of a plant site where photovoltaic panels are being installed in a row.